Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sick Baby and Sick Momma (w/ a thrown out back)

Yep...the last few days have been...challenging...haha

There was some lounging and quality elmo our house slippers- adorable. Those dogs (both feet and slippers) make me melt everytime we wear them, so everyday!

And, Mrs. Sherri brought by our jumperoo we let Thomas borrow.  Miss Priss begged to get in...and surpisingly, loved it (for about 5 minutes).

Please ignore the Halloween attire- this mommy is too tired and sore to do halloween pajamas it is. Ok, I am totally lying, we will wear these, and Christmas pajamas till we outgrow them. No one sees when you sleep, right? That is, unless your mom blogs about you. Sorry sweet C, cute as ever even if not seasonably appropriate.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Day After Christmas...

After Christmas, when you take down all of the decorations and pack them is time to find a place for all of the new "stuff." With Caroline's toys, this is more of a challenge than anticipated. So, temporarily, I have found a place for everything.  However, 5 minutes of C being awake, the living room is in chaos. B and I have debated converting our 3rd bedroom to a playroom. But, then what do we do if we decide to have another really, we need to make the living room work...such a tough call!

A Coloring Date

Could they be any cuter?

Rocking the Rainboots

When you look this cute in rainboots- you should hope for rain everyday! LOVE!

Where in the World is Caroline?

Christmas Picture Overload

Caroline discovered her stockings first!
 Then, she noticed the large playhouse- which consumed most of her day!

 My parents came by Christmas evening and brough C some goodies- which she loved!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twas the Night Before Christmas

So, I debated whether to combine this with my "Christmas post," but then, it would be MAJOR picture we shall split the post into 2 :)

(On a side note, I was going to be all "big and bad" and act as if the holidays were not any harder than any other day as far as missing B- but that would be a big fat lie...however, in an attempt to stay positive- I will be only be presenting the happy happy happy outlook- fake it till you make it, right? Don't doubt for a minute, though, that I am missing B something fierce.)

1) Stayed in our pajamas till after lunch, why not? haha and C seemed to really love a reindeer cupcake...haha

2) Went to my parents house to do my big family celebration with my parents, sister, grandparents and Uncle Leslie

3) Then, C got her Christmas pajamas (dogs this year, because she LOVES saying dog, dog, dog- you get the idea!) and check out those stinking cute house slippers B ordered for her- you can't see but they even have a tail on the back- precious!!

4) We read the Night Before Christmas

5) Living room before Santa and his elves did some work:

6) After:

Pictures of all of C's reactions to come tomorrow! So excited, can't wait :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

My Mom's Family

So, my mom's brother and family all came over for C's first big "family Christmas" of 2011...after cleaning the house, C and I hung outside so we didn't undo what I did!

 There were no pictures taken during the family gathering...b/c C was quite busy, but here was the final loot:
A great time had by all!!

Beast Mode

So, Bruce really really wanted this shirt and C and I went and got it.  Since C loves opening presents- she now considers shopping bags presents as well (good thing there are far too many of those coming into the Stoy house haha) Well, C seemed to think the new shirt was for and while I do have a very cute husband, who I am sure will look great in his new shirt, my little C- is ADORABLE!!! Melts my heart!! (Even though I am not totally sure I get the significance of the shirt...)

15 Month Stats

89% Height (Tall Girl)
59% Weight
54% Head (tiny head, big brain like her mom haha)

Someone Loves A Cupcake

Can't deny this darling loves a good cupcake...
She, however, does not love the getting cleaned up part...


Our sweet neighbor brought Miss C a gift and she actually let him hold her!! I think it made his night as he skipped back to his house!!

Rapping Randy

Ms. Pammy (my godmother) brought C "Rapping Randy." C adores "Rapping Randy," therefore, we hear this little guy sing, you know, about a million times a day. No, I am not lying, literally, a million.  I now can sing all the words and have created my own dance...but no need to document that. words needed

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Playgrounds and Presents

We started our afternoon by going to a playground, which C loved climbing through the tunnel!

 Then, we helped Pop ice Nana's birthday cake (aka keep saying more to eat icing)
 Then, my sister's boyfriend, Chris gave Caroline the cutest Cocky pillow friend.  She loved this! And, to be honest, she loved Mr. Chris- kept showing off: talking, dancing, etc.  When he went to leave, C stood by the door and then wanted to look out the window to keep waving bye. But, we did decide that we would let him say goodbye to Aunt Emily without us watching ;)
Instead, we played with the cat!
 Check out Mr. Chris' face in this picture, whether he wants to admit it or not, he was entertained by Miss C's antics! Caroline looks more like Bruce in this picture, I think!
 Enjoying some choc. cake! Great way to finish the day :)