Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mommy's Helper

My little miss has really been growing up! She is talking up a storm and tonight, she helped pick up all of her toys!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

PB and J + FroYo = Perfect Monday

I started my morning with the sweet sounds of "Hi Mommy! Mommy, hi!" and ended it with a kiss and "wubb woo" (love you!) And, this filled the middle:

I would say we had a successful day!!! And, as always, I think I am a little more in love with this sweet girl than I was yesterday! I don't even know how that is possible :) LOVE!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Little Daredevil

This weekend has been filled with...

Basically...we will climb on anything possible (the last picture isn't totally related, but quite cute!) This is one tired mama from chasing my little daredevil around. We went to the park twice this weekend, but there are no pictures because Miss C needed my total full attention and both hands!! I will say that anytime you hear "Uh Oh Mommy, Uh Oh!" You better run to C! haha

Thursday, January 26, 2012

For Daddy...

 (Ignore the slightly funky eyes in this middle pic...)
Getting Miss Priss to sit still for pics is near impossible!!!

Hot Date!

So, we went out for a date Weston and Sarah tonight...we started at the Mexican eatery :)
Weston didn't really want to sit next to Miss Priss, or hang out with her...but after we headed to Dollar Tree- and a connection was clearly made...

Then, Caroline and I discussed you know the importance of waiting till you are in a committed relationship  before kissing a boy- yep, first mother/daughter talk about boys!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Through a Child's Eyes

I was heading home from Irmo, and it begain to pour rain just as I was pulling into my neighborhood. My first thoughts were those of, "oh great...now I have to get little C and all of our gear in the house in the pouring rain, this i just great, we are going to get soaked right before nap time." That is when I heard a sweet voice in the backseat. Caroline just simply had her little fingers on the glass of the window, staring out in amazement saying "wow, mommy, wow." Yes, it is wow! Sometimes, the rain is amazing. And for a little person who loves playing in the sprinkler, this was the biggest "sprinler" she had ever seen. I needed a shift in perspective and I owe it my 16 month old.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Shadow

Everywhere I go, I have my little shadow right there! Could she be any sweeter?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The New Hairstyle

Miss C's bangs are constantly in her face- so I have become the mom who makes her child look like "BamBam;" however, at least her hair is not in her face!!

But, when she yanks her hair down...it looks, well, a little unfortunate...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

YoPlait's Newest Model

Don't get between this girl and her yogurt!

Personality Peanut

You don't have to guess too much about what Princess C is thinking...

Pierced Ears

So...today...we got Miss C's ears pierced. I didn't have a chance to talk to B about it but they were doing it for free in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot- and look how cute they look:

haha j/k- I was just seeing how close you read the blog, B!!!! Besides, C's ear is not that larger nor is her hair that color ;) LOVE YOU!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pics from the weekend :)

Miss C on her way to Nay Nay's- check out that hat and tights- umm...adorable...But, I guess I am biased

 C, looking thrilled, to be at the park. I think she was mad I made her stop playing to eat a quick snack. She really wanted to eat and play at the same time- def. not safe if you have seen C play- Danger Ranger!

Wearing our Gymboree outfit- Ganster Style ;)

"Wanna chicken nugget, mom?" (Check out those chipmunk cheeks full of chicken nuggets)

This sweet girl loves mom's chicken and veggie dinner- and I love this sweet girl!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


As I approach the halfway point of this deployment, I realize that I have learned a lot about myself through this experience.  While I will never say I have loved these 3 months, I will see that I have valued the lessons they have taught me.

1) I am so much stronger than I ever anticipated. Before Bruce left, the number of times I have slept by myself (anywhere, ever), was probably under 20 times. I have always lived with either my parents, a roommate, etc. Which I appreciated, because I am jumpy- the air coming on at night, and I am convinced we are being robbed. And, I don't react well to that either- I grab my cell phone (to call 911) and the remote controll (to use as a weapon) and go investigate the house.  I know, probably not the best plan. However, I have learned to "talk myself down." I try not to freak out nearly as much- otherwise, I would be freaked out constantly. Beyond the getting controll of my skidishness, I realize I can handle a lot, emotionally. I have handled Caroline being sick several times, doctor's appointments, grocery shopping with a toddler, etc and to be honest, I am proud of myself.

2) I have learned that I am a people person. The biggest struggle of this deployment is the overwhelming feeling of lonliness.  Caroline goes to bed around 6:40, which doesn't give me much time to go spend time with friends.  Sitting at home, all alone, every evening, weighs on you. I am slowly learning to cope with this.  I am trying to stay busy working on school stuff, blog writing, blog reading, etc. But, I will be very excited to have my perma-friend back :)

3) Caroline is able to go and do SO much more than I ever anticipated. I used to feel like I was going to have a panic attack taking C out to eat.  I just knew she would lose her mind out in public. Now, that I have to go and do things, and C doesn't have the option of staying home with Daddy. But, C and I are learning to go and do because we don't have a choice.  She has amazed me beyond words!

4) I love my career. (I know, what does that have to do with B's deployment?) To be honest, I have thrown myself into my teaching more than ever before.  It truly goes to say, what you put in, you get out. So far, this has been the most rewarding year, yet, of my 5 years. I love my students, my colleagues and actually having students beg me to read more and to do this or that activity again. I truly feel valued.

5) I realize that I need "me time." Before Bruce left, I would feel horribly guilty anytime I left Caroline if it wasn't a "have to" aka I had to go to work. But, I have come to realize it isn't about the quantity of time, it is the qualiity of time. If taking an evening to myself makes me a more energetic and less stressed out momma- it is better for everyone.

All in all (I won't bore you with more life lessons), I feel like I have learned so much about myself and my relationship with Caroline. But, enough of the reflection time, COME HOME BRUCE :) Your girls miss you!