First, a picture from yesterday. Somedays- you just gotta double fist!
So, today…I was thinking that there was nothing to really blog about it- just the same old: work, play, dinner, bath and bed. I guess God had other plans…
I began by makingwhat would have been a delicious pot pie. I had made the pot pie and froze it a month or so ago and was going to just defrost it and cook it in the oven. I began smelling something after only about 10 minutes of cooking at 400. When I opened the oven door, the entire pot pie burst into flames. I began to panic (duh.) Quickly got C into a high chair and moved her into the other room. Then, I began to call my family in hopes of getting some help. They did not pick up…yep. So I am panicing, obviously. I can’t find a fire extinguisher or anything. I knew not to put water on the fire but couldn’t remember what you were supposed to do. I finally got the fire out- and was hysterical. Like that ugly cry with mascara running down my face…and C is crying- probably because she is hungry and her mommy is losing her cotton picking mind (but, that is just a guess!)
The Attacker:
The Victim:Tonight, I learned several crucial, helpful lessons:
1) Flour works like a charm on kitchen fires
2) Buy a fire extinguisher and keep it under the kitchen sink
3) Don’t try to get in touch with my family on their personal training day
4) Never think to yourself you don’t have something interesting to blog about!
Now, I shall collapse in bed. What a day!!
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