Sunday, November 20, 2011


My To Do List:
1) Grocery Shop
2) Clean
3) Get Some Christmas Shopping Done
4) Find a new pair of black flats

What is Left on My To Do List:
1) Grocery Shop
2) Clean
3) Get Some Christmas Shopping Done
4) Find a new pair of black flats

Do I feel guilty? Not one bit! Got in a good run, ate some yummy, homemade spinach lasagna, snuck in a hot bath, took an hour nap, and spent most of the day just snuggling and playing with this little piece of heaven:
It is all about priorities! And, my priority will always be my family! Now, if we can just get B back home, I could add: spent the evening watching a movie w/ the hubby! Now, that would have just been the icing on the cake!

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