Monday, February 27, 2012

Being a Momma makes you say some CRAZY stuff...

Such as:

Exhibit A:
Me: No, Scuba Steve lives in the bathtub, not in your bed.
C: Pop?
Me: You can not ask Pop. Scuba Steve lives in the bathtub

Exhibit B:
Me: Do not eat a clorox wipe. That can not be good for you.
C: *silence*

Exhibit C:
Me: Caroline! Where are your clothes?

Exhibit D:
Me: Can we just watch Blue's Clues (as opposed to Elmo...for the 105th time that is bad when you are that desperate for a "change of scenery")

The list goes on...

But, now, at least my little c responds and so it becomes more of a conversations (or "discussion" since C-Bear seems to think she knows best)

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