Friday, February 10, 2012

A Diary of a Working Momma

I am linking up with Kelly’s Korner today to talk about being a working mom! I am in the middle of my 5th year teaching 7th grade language arts, a lovely age- no really, they are way underated- quite comical! I am also a mom to an 17 month old very busy girl.
My day looks like:
5:15am- the alarm starts dinging
5:16am- I frantically try to press snooze on the alarm
5:20am- The alarm dings again and I drag myself out of bed
5:20-6am- I get ready
6:00am- I get Miss C awake and change her diaper and get her dressed for the day
6:15am-We hit the road armed with a  sippy cup and some board books for the ride
6:50am- I drop Caroline off with NayNay (Mrs. Renee who does an amazing job watch Caroline and her 2 BFF’s Nora aka “Noreeee” and Darby aka “Deeeerrrrbeee”)
7:40am- I get to school to start my day
7:40-8am- I offer extra help sessions
8am-3:25pm- I attempt to educate the minds of the future- some days I am more successful than others
4:10pm- pick C up from daycare
5:15pm- get up from my long daily commute
5:15-6pm- play outside if the weather is nice or play inside with little miss
6pm- fix and eat dinner
7pm- start the bedtime routine
7:30pm- hopefully have C in bed (sometimes we are asleep at 5:55pm and sometimes as late as 8)
7:30-9:30pm- clean up, prepare dinner for the next night, grade papers, lesson plan, watch a little tv
10pm- crash in bed while wishing I had gone to bed earlier (haha!)
It is a busy day to say the least. It is made especially busy since Daddy B is deployed. But, I am lucky- I only do this 10 months out of the year, with breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and other various holidays and long weekends. When Caroline was itty bitty, as compared to just bitty now, I desperately wanted to stay home with her and soak up every single minute. Now, I can say, that I savor my “grown up time,” where I am accountable for only my actions. I love the kids I teach, I love what I teach, and I love the people I teach with. All in all, it isn’t a bad gig- and for that I am thankful.


  1. Hi there!!

    Being a teacher, your day looks alot like mine, ha!!

    Where do you live?

  2. I did a timeline post too! When I wrote it down I realized I was just go, go, go like you! I wouldn't have it any other way though. :) Happy Weekend.
