So, when I picked up and was blown away by her friend Nora's (21 months) ability to say the ABC's- like a-z and can correct you if you skip one...totally a child prodigy. So, on the way home...I decided (instead of normally singing loudly with radio...this girl loves some country music) to sing the ABC's- you know to inspire the inner child prodigy within C. As I am singing, I notice it is totally quiet in the backseat. At a stop light, I turn around and see that C has taken off her shoe and put all of her afternoon snack of cereal in her shoe and is licking each piece of cereal out of her shoe using her tongue. So, giving up on the child genius thing- we headed to the park to meet our friend Weston.
And...a yummilicious dinner at Hardees!
So, the life lesson of today- I am so glad C is who C is :) She can't say the alphabet, nor is she interested. But, you know what, neither am I. I am way more interested in seeing the sweet, fun person she is becoming!
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