Some goodies all set out for Miss Priss to discover in the morning!! Quite the loot for a little person- 2 smocked outfits, a ralph lauren button down, a personalized Elmo play shirt (no worries y'all, we still do not wear character wear out and about but it will be an ok shirt for daycare...I guess or pajamas...) and 4 elmo dvds. The Elmo movies are almost more of a gift for mommy since we watch our 1 Elmo movies all the time- I am looking forward to a little variety.
For B- I got him a Nike Gamecock golf bag (it is already V-Day where he is so I have not ruined any surprises!) He seemed pretty excited about it :)
All in all, the V-Day fairy did pretty well!! Now, I am off to watch The Bachelor, a tv show that really promotes true love: the love of drama- and I am a total 10 year addict- every single episode.
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