Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 13: Starting to Feel Better

I am so glad that Miss C is finally feeling better :)

Caroline woke up happy around 6:15...a time to be celebrated as compared to 2:30 am the day before!
Had to take 2 baths because we were a bit of a messy eater today!
It all started with the spoon...

Then...we gave up and tried to use our hand instead...

And...when all else fails...just lick the bowl!

Then, we had a brief daddy tribute photo shoot (hope it makes his day a little less tough and I hope he knows that it means we are thinking about him, miss him and are proud of him!)

Then, we went to dinner with Mimi, Pop, and Aunt Em where Emily and C fought over some apple slices...

Then, we waited in a LONG line to get to boo at the zoo!

We had a wonderful time at Boo at the Zoo- so much so, there is a whole post dedicated to it :)

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