I figured I would try to spice things up a little and instead of just recounting my day, I would list a few things I am thankful for!
1) Waking up with Miss Caroline and her new game of “up”/ “no.” She reaches up and says “Up! Up!” Then, when you reach for her, she squeals “No!” and then sits down and laughs hysterically. I guess it is quite funny when you are 13 months of cuteness!
3) My amazing husband who I got to talk to during planning at work today. Quite the nice surprise J Hopefully soon, we will be able to work out Skype issues so we can see one another.
4) My new organized grocery shopping plan! After my crazy shopping experience where I bought a lot of what I didn’t need and not even half of what I did need…I have now meal planned for C and I starting next week. Then, I organized the list by where things are located in the grocery store.
5) Counting down to my super fun weekend! We are having a swing set built and going to Boo at the Zoo!
6) Fun rides home from work with my sweet girl- so glad we have been doing better in the car lately (knock on wood!!)
7) Cold enough weather to wear our winter hat!8) Photography practice in the front yard
9) That Caroline can actually ride her little car...like she can sit on it and move it forward- woot!
10) Great friends that make this deployment so much easier!
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