Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 7: The End of the First Week

One week down, like 23 to go! Caroline and I had a wonderful day.  First, we just spent the morning hanging out and cuddling. Then, we got ready to head to Pets, Inc. It was such a fun adventure.  Talk about a fabulous free activity.  We just walked around and looked at all of the cute puppies and kitties.  Of course, Caroline fell in love with a huskie (that was not even up for adoption, he was just there to get some food, etc). She pet him and hugged him, pointed at him, barked with him, it was love at first sight.  It was so sweet to see her interacting with all of the animals.  When we got home, she was exhausted and so went down for a nap while I got ready to hit the fair.  Then, it was off to the fair with Weston. We watched pig races, saw cows, went  to the petting zoo, saw a giant sand castle, and chowed down on our first elephant ear! All in all, it was a fabulous day! Check out the pictures:

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