First thing Caroline had to do, was to check to make sure the tag on the car was secure- it was!
Then, we had to try a picture with the pumpkin (again). Still haven't had much luck!
Caroline, then, tried to collect all the bark and put it back in the flower bed.
Then, I discovered these super cool fruit/veggie packs that you like suck the food out. Caroline ADORES them and they are fabulous to pack for a snack.
Since we went to Mimi and Pop's, we had to chase the cat a little.
And, we had to play the piano.
Then, a quick snuggle!
Pop pretended to be a puppy which C found oh so funny!
Before we left, she helped Mimi and Pop pack up her stuff!
Today, for the record, was great! Caroline was in a great mood and so much fun to be with. But, I would be lying if I didn't say how much I miss B. There have been a million times that I have wanted to pick up the phone just to chat. Or, just to send a quick text. Or, be able to share in some moment. While I absolutely love my life, I absolutely miss my husband.
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