Caroline wanted to sleep in this morning and I had to wake her up. She was not thrilled to be woken up!
Caroline and I are all ready to head to "school!" (I am rocking a hand me down sweater from mom- love it!)
Caroline running around with bear before heading Nay Nay's. Somehow, I forgot bear- disaster!! But, she did nap "ok" with dolly, though.
We got our first major boo boo at Nay Nay's today. At play group, she was playing with her friend, Katie. And, somehow, they toppled over with the plastic and car and scratched her sweet little toes!
This is Nay Nay's boo boo report. Miss C seems to be recovering nicely.
Mrs. Sherri came by and brought our new lunch box, which we adore carrying around like a purse!
After playing a little bit at home, then we went to Sawyer's house and tried on her birthday bows.
And, of course- some fun playing with our friend. Caroline liked laying on the ground and Sawyer liked talking to her :)
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